Incident updates

Incident updates

May 16, 2024

Sharing and receiving updates during long running incidents can be frustrating. We've all wanted to know what's going on when a service is down, but we are hesitant to interrupt the team working on it just to get a quick status update.

Now you can use Cased to share updates with your team:

Coming next

  • AI generated updates: Cased will use related pull requests, alerts, and the history from your incident Slack channels to automatically suggest and draft updates.

  • More communication channels: Our goal is to reduce the cognitive load of keeping people up to date (and staying up to date). We're making it easy to share updates across multiple channels like email, Slack, and your public status site.

Get a 15 minute demo of Cased with Ted, co-founder and CEO

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© 2024 Cased, Inc. All rights reserved.