Automatically connect related incidents

Automatically connect related incidents

May 21, 2024

DevOps incidents often repeat: similar problems cause similar outages. And solutions may be similar too.

With Related Incidents, Cased finds connections between new and previous incidents, so you can get to fixing faster.

Diving in

In the case of a particular database performance issue, Cased quickly determines that it had happened before.

Now you can dive into past related incidents, and see how they were resolved, saving time and gaining orientation to the problem.

Not just titles

Cased's AI has the ability to recognize deeper similarities between incidents. For example, Cased can find that a memory issue in a background job processor might be connected to another issue in another service that uses the same underlying library.

Plus, Cased not only detects common root causes, but also identifies regressions, so you can learn what parts of the system are causing the most problems.

Coming next:

  • Define your own custom connection criteria

  • Rating the quality/accuracy of the related incident for continual learning

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